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Dave Hollins: Space Cadet - Enormous Fat Man

First published 14th September 2003.

ANNOUNCER: (Nick Maloney)
Dave Hollins: Space Cadet.

HOLLINS: (Nick Wilton)
This is Stella Trader Dave Hollins, calling Earth-Com 7 Beta 7. I'm six trillion years from Earth. I was supposed to spend the journey in suspended animation, but, I don't know, I just couldn't get to sleep. I'm circling a class three planet, which has three moons. One is volcanic, one is gas, and the other moon is wearing an Hawaiian shirt. Hab, can you give me a bio-scan on that moon?

HAB: (Chris Barrie)
Certainly, Dave. It is not, in fact, a moon. It's an enormous fat man floating in space.

Is he alive?

Yes, Dave. You see, the planet below has inverted gravity.

You mean, things fall upwards?

Precisely, Dave.

Can't be much fun on Shrove Tuesday. Goodbye, pancakes.

They don't toss pancakes, Dave. They bounce them.

But if everything goes up, how do they people stay down there?

Over the centuries, the Zygons have evolved feet made out of velcro.

So in short, Hab, that guy, who is the size of a moon, ate so much he got ripped off into orbit. But what about the Hawaiian shirt? Why is he wearing it outside of his trousers?

Because, Dave, he believes it makes him look slimmer.

Can you set up a link with him, Hab? Tell him we're the little spaceship orbitting his waistline.

He says he's been up there three years now, Dave. He travels between the moons, propelling himself by burping and breaking wind.

Oh, boy. I wouldn't like to be in this starbelt when he does a body belch, man.

At the moment, Dave, he's stranded. He's completely mined all the pinto beans off both moons.

The poor fat guy is stuck out there in that stupid shirt? Can't anybody help him?

He can never return to the planet's surface. No-one can help him. Wait, Dave. Secure yourself. Shockwave approaching.

[an explosion, followed by gusting winds]

What's happening, Hab? Give me visual. Look, look! There's another moon now. This moon's wearing a pink smock and yellow slacks.

It's his wife, Dave. She's spent the last three years eating, so she can join him in orbit.

What's that she's got with her? It's a giant bag of pinto beans! Look! They're holding hands. Wow! She must be pretty crazy about him. What a love story. There they go, burping their way into the sunset. I don't... I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful in all my life. What do you say, Hab?

[tearful]I... I'd just like a second to myself, please Dave.

Sure, Hab. When you've got yourself together, let's get out of here.

OK, Dave.

Dave Hollins: Space Cadet.